Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Final Tournament

This is how all the guys feel during their "after game chew-out"! It was never that, it was a fun time to talk about the game. His coach was great that way. They always left happy and feeling good about themselves.
We spent 3 days down in Payson playing two games a day. All of the games were total nail bitters and they played so well. Very exciting. They won 5 games and lost only once. They ended up taking 3rd place in the State Tournament.
Good job man!
Being awarded his medal plus they said all the players names over the loud speaker. Very cool for the boys.
My little proud baseball player. He wants to try pitching next year since he will be on the same team with the same coach. So we will be working on that. Another great year of baseball to look forward to. I love baseball.

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