Friday, August 13, 2010


Thank you Beckie Pew for sharing the love about wave Petunias. This picture is nothing compared to what they look like now. Huge and beautiful. Plant, water, and enjoy. I'm a fan.
Travis testing out his new Airisoft gun before church OR he has a secret life of crime, I'll let you decide.
Isaac still really loves his pal C.C., it's so cute.
Slip and Slide. You go first Isaac.
This was actually C.C.'s idea, more like "Isaac, what do you want to do today?"
Vinny looks dead when he's outside having his siesta in the sun. The camera adds a few pounds because he has been on a diet and he is a lean man these days.
Mini golfing at Trafalga, he wanted a pic next to the huge turtle because he has Dwayne.
This seems to be one of the most used words in our house, unfortunately. I thought this sign was funny though so I had to show the kids.
McKayla "gutter gifted" her swing to Isaac and he wanted to sleep in it the first night. It took about 1 hour and a about 50 different positions to find out it was not going to work out.

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