Thursday, March 27, 2014


 On the way to Vegas, I got to watch it from start to finish in peace.
 My mom and her friend on Valentine's Day. I'm glad she has thoughtful friends that take her out on special occasions.  
 A massive chocolate foundation in our hotel.
 Happy Valentine's and Birthday.
 Yes, I am in summer attire and loving it.
 I just got comfy, please don't make me move.
 Pete has quite the "wing span".
 My brother Neil was in town so I got to have dinner with him and then the next night we got to hang out some more.  It was such a treat for me to get to spend time with him.  
Mr. Bridger's birthday, he's 5 already.  


We went to California to attend the funerals of Travis' boss Dale and his 4 other family members.  They were all killed together in a plane crash in Idaho in the snowy weather and were not found for 6 weeks after.  They did not suffer and it was determined that they all died on impact.  The funerals were together and it was a very unbelievable sight, 5 identical caskets all lined up in a row.  I can not even imagine what his wife and surviving children could be feeling.  It was a wonderful tribute to all of them.    
I made sure to see my pal Debbie while I was there, she has the very best laugh.  We both look a bit drunk or something but we are not.  It's always a must to visit with her when I go to California. 
 This is a co-worker of Travis', Gayle.  She is the most unique person I have ever met.  She always does such nice things for Travis when he is in the office in California.  I thanked her for being so good to him and her reply was, " He's like a God to me.  He took the time to explain things to me and I appreciate him so much". She is always sending goodies home with hime too.  Sweet lady.
 Dudley the dog, he and Lincoln live on the same property but they do not like each other but Dudley doesn't like anyone.  He's just so funny looking.  
 I got to spend some good time with my sweet grown up boy too.  Travis photo bombed us. I love that he is happy there but also happy to see us.  Love that guy.


 FaceTime with Madeline and Nick.  She was showing us her Minnie car.
 I took FeeBee to get her teeth cleaned and they pulled 9 teeth out. I know, how is he supposed to eat right?  So the girls at the vet told Sabrina that when she was waking up they put her in a warming kennel with another dog and they checked on her and she was asleep on top of another dog.  Later that night she curled up like this with Caesar.  Two in one day, progress.  She must have been desperate for heat, this NEVER happens.  
 All snuggled up in the chair with me in my office. 
 Madeline sporting the outfit we gave her.
 Summer found this gem, it was at one of Sabrina's birthday parties about 6 years ago.  
 Really? Right out my back door.
 C.C. sent this one.  Lincoln was in hot pursuit of a squirrel when he hit a metal gate that slowed him down.  Poor guy, headache.  
Heather takes the most beautiful pictures, I'm so lucky I get to enjoy them.


 The skies here in Utah are just amazing to me and I can not get enough of them.
 My mom was here for a visit so I took her up Provo Canyon, since the sun was trying to be warm, for a walk.  It was still pretty chilly but it was a beautiful day.
 I kept making her pose for pictures but she liked the end product.  
 Decided to go shooting and blow up an old TV that we had saved just for this occasion and also our graham cracker houses.  They didn't last long with all the fire power we had going on.  
 The girls really joined in and had a blast. NOT, they were frozen.
 Isaac shooting dads new AR15.
 The girls finally decided to join in the fun.
 Of course I had to shoot Andrews shotgun.
 Talked my mom into shooting again.  Unfortunately both of her shoulders are pretty fried so I held the gun up and supported her so she could shoot.  It was a cute bonding moment.  
Still amazing!


 All dressed for church in their Christmas best.  Proud mom Summer is.
 Baby girl loves her handsome daddy.
They all three look so cute and festive.


 Napping together.
Pete does this a lot.
He really doesn't want to get up.
This was my dads shirt that he wore every Christmas day so I have been carrying on the tradition.  Wanted to send Scott and Jill a picture so they could enjoy too.

50 CAL.

Travis and I went to St. George to visit our friends Troy and Kristi.  When Troy offered to go shoot the  50 Cal., I was all over it.   
This is really a giant gun with giant bullets and a painful kick to it.  Yes, it got me right between the eyes with the scope.  My head hurt for weeks and I had two black eyes.
BUT…. I hit the target after all.  


 Isaac's friend Joe brought the 4 wheeler over so Sam hooked up a sled with some rope.  That was the last we saw of them for awhile until they brought Evan back bleeding and in need of stitches in his ear and head from hitting a mailbox after sailing off a jump on the corner.  
 Caesar and Pete ran each other wild out in the snow together chasing Sam and the boys.
 All tuckered out from all that running around in the snow.
Is this dog spoiled or what? His feet were bright red from being so cold outside, we had to make him come in. 


We lost our sweet Uncle Jerry the day after Thanksgiving.  He was one of the sweetest, kindest, positive men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  He was always there to tell you that you were doing great job and he was proud of you.  I was lucky enough to be his niece.  His wife, my Aunt Karen, has single handed cared for him for many years as his health continued to decline over the last 10 years. She has always been dear to my heart and always will be.  A very sweet family that I am proud to be a part of. 
 Not sure what is going on here with Scott and Shane but they are obviously having a completely different conversation than Jill and Todd.
 Scott is "working".
 Family!  We had a great time together with our cousins even though we were brought together for a sad goodbye to a beloved man to all of us.
 Shane's cute dogs ears are naturally like this, more like a bunny than a dog.
One last family picture before we all had to go our separate ways.