Wednesday, March 26, 2014


 C.C.'s selfie
 Madeline modeling the dress we brought her back from Mexico
 Isaac was chatting with me while I was sewing, this is how he entertained himself.
 Love me some Fried Green Tomatoes 
 C.C. leaving to move to California, August 2013.  Off on his next adventure in life. Sniff sniff.
 My flowers in the fall.  They finally died off around the beginning of November.  They get so big and the very best part is that all I do is plant them.
 Isaac was multi-tasking. Playing video games, listening through the headphones, and talking on the phone. Hands free I might add.
 Mark and Summer taking C.C.'s bike for a ride.
 First day of Jr. High for Isaac, 7th grade!
 Proof they actually love each other.
My handsome boy on his 23rd birthday!

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