Thursday, March 27, 2014


 The skies here in Utah are just amazing to me and I can not get enough of them.
 My mom was here for a visit so I took her up Provo Canyon, since the sun was trying to be warm, for a walk.  It was still pretty chilly but it was a beautiful day.
 I kept making her pose for pictures but she liked the end product.  
 Decided to go shooting and blow up an old TV that we had saved just for this occasion and also our graham cracker houses.  They didn't last long with all the fire power we had going on.  
 The girls really joined in and had a blast. NOT, they were frozen.
 Isaac shooting dads new AR15.
 The girls finally decided to join in the fun.
 Of course I had to shoot Andrews shotgun.
 Talked my mom into shooting again.  Unfortunately both of her shoulders are pretty fried so I held the gun up and supported her so she could shoot.  It was a cute bonding moment.  
Still amazing!

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