Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It was Spring break last week and we made our way around Utah. My neighbor took the kids to the children's museum in Salt Lake one day and then we went to the Zoo another day with her. It was just Isaac and I that went so it was fun to just have him there to explore with. I found myself missing the San Francisco Zoo as we were walking around. We did spend alot of time really watching the animals and their strnage ways. We saw an albino alligator, huge snakes, huge tortoises, and some very cool apes, the baby was really cute. The camels had some issues though, humps that were falling over and a camel with only one hump. Heavenly Father created some very odd animals.
The girls spent some time with their friends and C.C. went to California to visit his friend. Travis was in California and one of our friends from Utah took his two daughters there on a trip and spent two days with Travis. They went to an A's game and froze and then spent some time exploring San Francisco. It was an exciting week for us all.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Hooray, looks like comments are working now!
How fun, just you and Isaac. He must have loved his spring break getting one-on-one time with mom. Looks like you guys made the most of it too! I miss to SF zoo too, even with the tiger attack they had last winter. Nobody has better bears than SF zoo, and you can't beat the location right off the ocean! It makes me homesick just thinking about it.