Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Us!

19 years ago today we were married in Jackson, Wyoming at my parents home. It was of course a very wonderful day that was filled with excitement and old friends. We enjoyed all the tradtional festivities of a wedding for an only girl. Beautiful flowers, cake, food, a band, family and friends. I am so very happy with the choice to have married Travis and all the wonderful things that he has brought into my life. I can only hope that our kids will feel the same way about their spouse that I do. Truely love and appreciate the person that they are and feel like they can't ever live without them. I can honestly say that I knew I loved him when he asked me to marry him and without a shadow of a doubt I know I love him more now than I ever thought possible.

I still love the mullet! XOXOXO


Melinda said...

You've gotta love the mullet! Happy Anniversary, we love you guys and we're really glad you married each other too. You guys are great together. Hope you had a fun day.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Taking a step back in time is always fun, isn't it? Especially when you feel like it was the best decision you've ever made. Happy Anniversary - we love you guys! (Terri shares your anniversary, too.)

The McGraths said...

This is my favorite picture ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great Anniversary. I get to go to California to see Ty. My Doc is not happy about it but he knows I'm going anyways so he sent me a copy of my records just in case. HAHAHa, I will laugh if I end up having this baby on the river! I'm taking all the kids with, so pray for me so I won't through a couple off the plane!

Summer Mortensen said...

I can't believe that it has been 19 years! Better make it another 50 at least! I'm so excited to see your blog and I love the new house. I can't wait to come and see you guys now that you live closer! Love ya!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

SWEEEEET! Love the BIG 80's hair & the mullet! So fun! The picture backdrop is truly fantastic...is this you home growing up? Cool!

Unknown said...

Nice picture and message! I am excited to see pictures of Friday!!! Nice job on the blog, Kelly. You rock!

Alison said...

This is the best picture of all time.