Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mama I'm Comin' Home!

Nick made it home safe and sound on friday! It was so awesome to see him and know that he was safe! It was a long trip home but he was as happy as I have ever seen him. We had to be patient because of all the other missionaries arriving home that day also. But finally he showed up at the top of the escalator where C.C. and Josh were the first one's to get a hug and welcome him home. Grandma Chapman and The Harmon's were there to welcome him home with us. We took him home, gave him a shower and introduced him to his new home and life in Utah. I think he spent about a half and hour in the shower taking off the top layer of filth. He was used to a cold trickle for the shower in their apartments. He wanted to go to Arby's for lunch! He just needed some good old fashioned American Fast Food! He finished his parasite pills that morning so he figured that anything goes now. He was so excited to see the washer and dryer, the gargage disposal, and feel how soft the carpet was, he hadn't seen any of these for two years. He was shocked to see that there were no bars on the windows.

He really loved his mission and it has been a great weekend hearing all about it and learning about all the experiences that he had there. The robbery stories are funny now but not so funny when it was happening. The stories about all the huge gross bugs, the converts gifts, the food, the kids, the culture, and the baptisms are so fun to hear about! What a great two years and he said that the mission was preparing him for the next things to come in his life! We are so proud of Nick and all that he experienced on his mission.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Woo Hoo! Welcome Home Nicky NuNu! We are so proud of you, too! We hope to get to see you soon. Are you heading to CA anytime soon or are we going to have to wait until this Fall to see you when we come to UT for Leah's baby's blessing?

Melinda said...

Yay!! Did you bawl your eyes out when you saw him?? He looks great, you all do...tell Travis he still looks skinny. We are sad that Nick's homecoming got changed because we can't come Father's Day weekend, but we could have come on the original date! DANG. We'll have to catch up with you some other time. I loved hearing about how excited he is about soft carpet, a disposal, etc. How much we take for granted!

lynbar said...

Hurray for returned missionaries!! Nick, you look so good!!! There are a few ladies in the picture who I don't recognize - friends of yours??? ;-) All of the Fergs look good. but I agree with Melinda - Travis is too skinny.