Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday C.C.

C.C. turned 18, technically last night at 12:19am. He is the only one of the kids born at night. He happened to come home from work and then went to his friends house so we had the perfect opportunity to do some decorating. Sab was my partner in crime so we did it up nice. Over 50 balloons and a roll of toilet paper, just for him. I think C.C. was the one who started the TPing for birthdays and now it gets requested by some on their birthday.
We even got his computer and mouse.
We went to Chili's for a dessert and gave him an IPOD classic. I think he was happy about it. We are all very blessed to have C.C. in our family, he adds many things. 18 years of seeing him change and grow teaches you alot about being a parent.


Coslett's said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CC!!!!! Hope it was a good one for him...sounds like it was! (even with the toilet paper) You will have to tell him happy birthday for me. That CC sure is lucky to have such a great family!! And ya'll are lucky to have him!!!!!!! Sweet boy!

The McGraths said...

happy Birthday CC! I can't believe you are 18!!! I remember when... blah, blah, blah. You've heard it all before. So who is the gal next to Nicky poo? I'm nosey.

Melinda said...

Happy Birthday CC! You guys are such a fun family. Love the toilet paper!