Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Eight years ago I had Isaac on the couch in San Jose. What an experience that was and so has the last eight years with him. He is such a wonderful addition to our family and he really brings the whole family alot of joy and laughter. Most of the time we shouldn't be laughing but if you know Isaac, you laugh too, you just can't help it. A 17 year old trapped in an 8 year old body. I guess that's what we get for having the kids so far apart.
He is obsessed with Sponge Bob so McKayla and I found this awesome cake that we knew he just had to have. It was so cute and it left this really cool colorful stuff all over your teeth. I know, gross! I'm sure it is all lard from the frosting but we'll go with food coloring instead so we won't want to throw up. I think it didn't help that maybe he neglected to brush his teeth that morning too. Yuck!!!
Heather and Nick picked this out for him and it has been a favorite for him, not so favorite for the rest of us that have gotten nailed by it. But he loves it, thanks guys.
He had been asking when he would get his scriptures so this was another one of his favorites. He's being so careful with them and was excited to use the case that Nick brought back from Argentina for him. He had them all made especially for each of us.
We had our family party with him the night of his birthday, Rob and Alison were nice enough to some over and join the party. We love having them around, we keep thinking that they are going to get sick of us at some point. We had his favorites, steak and watermelon. Who doesn't love those right?
The next day when we got up to rain and cloudy skies, I was freaking out cuz I had this totally OUTSIDE party planned for him. Thankfully the clouds parted and the sun shone brightly. We had a few slip and slides in the backyard and had Crispy Cremes. We invited the neighborhood since all of his pals have little ones that play with him too, so there was a ton of wee ones burning up the lanes.

He had to give everyone hugs after he opened their gifts, a few were ok with it but there were a few that were a tad bit uncomfortable with it. He was cute about it, everyone got one whether they wanted it or not.

He had just as many girls that he wanted to come as boys, I'm glad he's not creaped out by girls and he can be himself around them. He's obsessed with the older girls more than the younger ones. The little girl that is in the towel next to him I think he could marry one day, they are so funny around each other. They both have the funniest sense of humor and are not even phased by the fact that they are pals and one a boy and one a girl.


Alison said...

Happy Birthday, Ike! We love you!

I had no idea you had him on the couch!! What the heck is up with that?? You need to post that story.

Love ya.

Melinda said...

Eight???!?! I had no idea he'd already crept up to eight! He really is growing up too fast. What a fun group of neighbors you had for the party. Wish we had that many kids around our neighborhood.