Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Manti Trip

After three years of dating, through the mission, and knowing each other almost their whole lives, Jason and McKell were married in the Manti Temple. It was really a beautiful ceremony performed by McKells grandfather. Jason is our family friend, he and Nick have been best friends since 3rd grade when we moved to Orem. Jason was called to the same mission as Nick, that was truely amazing. The day was as beautiful as McKell. We are so happy for them as they start their new lives together, they are so cute and so happy.

Nick and Heather taking in another Kodak moment.
I had to have a picture of this weird moth that was on the side of the temple because my purse matches it.
Travis and I rode the Harleys down and spent the night before the wedding so we could enjoy a little time for ourselves. On the way home we took the long road, the Nebo Loop and a bunch of other weird places we went through. The mountains were so beautiful, I really love them and appreciate them so much more after moving back to Utah. I remeber the first week we were back here last year, we went with Phill and Janet for a week just riding and I was crying riding through this beautiful canyon somewhere in Utah just so happy to be back here with these beautiful mountains.
This is the only picture I have of me on my Harley! I know, but I'm always the one taking the pictues so I had to plan it all out.


The Holyoaks said...

I didn't know you could tote along a big gulp on a Harley! You are so talented. Who is the hot stuff next to Nick? Your family is so big - what the heck happened?

Coslett's said...

Hahaha look at you on that harley! You are way cool it's official! I love too that you could find a bug that matched your purse that's even way cooler. Yeah and who is that hot stuff standing next to Nick anyway!?? Sounds like that was a great day for Nick's best friend! Is Nick going to be next soon you think??????? HUH???

Melinda said...

I am still so in awe of you for riding a Harley! If I didn't know you and saw you with your skull cap and Harley like in that picture I would not mess with you! Okay, I would never "mess" with you anyway, but you look tough!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You are the perfect "motorcycle mama"...but then a Harley isn't really a's a machine! So...does that mean you are a "Harley Ho?" JK