Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sleep Over With The Messmans

Ricky and Becky were on their way to Southern Virgina University from San Jose so they stopped for a long overdue visit. We have all missed Becky and Amanda so much since we have moved here. They used to spend every sunday evening with us at our house for FHE. They were a permanent fixture in our house and they were like sisters to the girls, of course Isaac loved them too. I had them in Young Womens and Travis was their Sunday School teacher forever. Becky slept in Isaac's bed and he woke up in the middle of the night thinking he had fallen out of bed and just got back in his bed and snuggled up to her like it was nothing. Way funny. Isaac woke Ricky up with a wack of a pillow at Becky's prompting and then they went on tour for a few hours. We are sure glad Heather doesn't have room for this right now at her house. We might let her take it after she moves into her new apartment Kim. haha. It was so fun to have them here even if it was just for a short time. Nick and Ricky got to hang out for a few hours too and get caught up, they haven't seen each other for three years.
Sab and Brooklyn trying to be sneaky, didn't work too much.
Isaac in his touring gear!

They have this flamingo that is traveling with them that they are adding a sticker to every where they stop so we added a Harley sticker. They have a long drive ahead of them but a nice road trip across the country, coast to coast! And a great school year ahead of them. Now we'll miss them even more.


Heather said...

im bummed i missed them. haha, thanks for letting me keep my rock band at your house!

Coslett's said...

nothing like having visits from long lost friends......its the best! By the way honey you enjoy that rock band thingy looks like your kids have gone on some pretty famous tours so it's all good in the hood! besides thats a good place for it until......well you know : )

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

ReBecky looks so short standing next to Ricky! Ricky popped over the other day (before he left) to go kayaking with Ty - it was fun to see him. Amanda went rafting with the 6th level girls last week, too. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see her.

Jill said...

hi Kelly! I have had so much fun looking over your blog. Your kids are so much bigger--wow. that's fun that Ricky and Becky stopped by. I miss San Jose friends.

Melinda said...'s good to see the Messmanns, even if it is only through your blog. Glad you got to see them and enjoy them.