Monday, November 24, 2008

One More Cub Scout!

Isaac has been so excited to start Cub Scouts after he was baptized. Since he started he has been crazy about earning badges and so here we are at Pack Night getting his Bobcat. He was on a count down for when Pack Night was all month and then the second we got home he went to the calendar to see when the next one was. The next day he was looking through his book looking for the next thing to pass off.
It was weird sitting there with all of our big kids at a Pack Night and realizing that it is all coming to a close. It was kinda sad but fun to know that all the kids are so big now and on to different and new things. I made sure that everyone was there and so did Isaac, he made some calls. It was about time that everyone else came to support him in something. We all know how the littleset kid gets drug around to all the other childrens' activities so it was really nice to have them all there to support him. Isaac was really proud and happy that everyone was there, it meant alot to him.


Serena said...

How sweet! way to go Isaac

Summer Mortensen said...

What a stud! It makes me look forward to everything that we'll go through with Tegan, although it will be a while. Love you guys!

Melinda said...

Isaac, you're great! Way to go, and you've got a great family supporting you.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

This is us with Ty...Kyle was old enough to help him with his last pinewood derby so we didn't have to - & all the older kids supported Ty at his padk meetings, too. It helped that Michelle was the Den Leader & she always brought great treats! :)