Monday, January 5, 2009


C.C. was up for a new doo so he went for dreadlocks. It took us three tries to get them right so if anyone wants to know how to do them let me know. Not so fun especially after the third time, but since C.C. is soo handsome he pulled the look off well. I never got a picture of them done rigth but this will do. They were alot thicker the last time because we backcombed them. He left them in for about two or three weeks then he was sick of them so he's back to the Mathew McConnahy look.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Dreads, huh? How "dreadful!" It won't be long before he's turning in those locks to sport a missionary look you remember our Ben's "blue" hair? He looked like a Smurf until the blue started to wear off to's just hair - let 'em have a little's not illegal, immoral, or life-threatening...DREAD ON!

Unknown said...

Cool dreads!!! You are a handsome boy.

Alison said...

That looks like a lot of work! Funny that he's already back to the curls. :)

Where are your Christmas pics!??!?

Melinda said...

Kelly, you're such a cool many moms know how to put dreads in?