Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekender To Boise

So I got everyone off to school and told Travis that I needed to hurry and get on the road cuz I had a long drive ahead of me to Boise. I was just kidding but not. He was great and helped me pack all the necessities, IPOD, Laptop, you know, and wished me a safe drive. About an hour into it, I look in my rear view mirror and here's what I see. I couldn't pass up the Kodak moment. A moose that someone had obviously spent alot of time making, Weird. Not my first choice but whatever.

The drive went way faster and alot more fun than I remeber the last time I went, that included 5 kids and a dog, so need I say more? It was Diane's birthday so Ryan and I stayed up and decorated the kitchen and living room for her. She loved it, she never had been TP'd before, there is a first time for everything.

This is how I wrapped her gift, ugkly I know but there is a great story behind this. Inside was a great gift, a huge bottle of Moroccan Oil, one of her favorite hair care products, I'm her dealer.
We spent her birthday as a "Girls Day Out" and we went everywhere. Shopping downtown Boise but best of all we hit almost all the Beauty Supply stores we could in search of a particular product line. We explored some cool stores, the Boob Tube and the Jaks were hilarious and an actual real product sold in a nice Women's store. Good idea though, save all of the on-lookers an ugly scene.
This was a cool alley that had been graffittied, it was really artistic and a whoever did it did a nice job.
We finally pooped out around 10pm and decided it was time to eat. We hit Applebees for a birthday dinner and cake and ice cream.
Diane is friends with everyone in her neightborhood, especially the dogs. So Fonzi the giant poodle came over to wish her a happy birthday too. He was a really cool dog.
Always keeping things light and funny.
We had to check out the Harley Store while we were in that part of town. Always amazing of how beautiful they are, the sound of them is what I REALLY love.
We had a few POSER shots.

Diane trying out the Harley look.
Diane made sure she got this photo for me.

My brother Scott took us all to Spaghetti Factory for Diane's birthday dinner, great food, I had never been there.
Diane and I had been trying to master the "MY SPACE" photo the whole weekend so here's Ryan showing us how it's done.
Almost, we look like we're tired.I love this one, shows the true us. You would have thought we were 15 or something.
Scott and Ryan were schooling me on Cribbage. It is a way confusing game but I had great teachers, I think I even won. I mean Scott and I won. Can you tell I love my brother?
The fun had to end eventually and I headed home to reality. It was so much fun and great to just cut loose and relax and enjoy. The drive home was ok for about 2 hours then I hit a huge storm and drove 4 hours in massive snow storm. There were cars and semi trucks off all the way home. Not so much fun but I made it safely. My car shows how severe the storm was, it was iced on.I was greeted with this great sign that Sabrina had made for me. She's so sweet. We all need a Sabrina to remind us of the really good things in life. All in all it was one of the funnest weekends I've ever had, can't wait to do it again soon sometime. Glad we live close now that it is easier to go more often.

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