Monday, March 16, 2009

Isaac Goes To College!

Heather invited Isaac to particapate in her Phychology class. So we helped make all his dreams come true; I checked him out of school, he's been asking for that all year, and we headed to UVU, we found Heather and waited for our instructions. It was a big day for me too, I had never attended a college class either.
They asked the students to bring in kids from all ages so they could observe how each age was different in their thinking and problem solving.

Isaac was of course brilliant and funny. (He's so cute) They asked him to sort shapes in different ways, decide if there was more or less from pennies and play dough, and read him a story and asked which child was "naughtier". He kept saying that word all day long because the teacher emphasized the word in a weird way so he was mocking him.
He was really excited to go and made sure he even picked out a nice outfit for the occasion. Thanks Heather for including him, he loved it and it was a great experience for both of us.


Heather said...

oh that was such a highlight this semester! Thanks so much for bringing him and coming! It was so fun having you guys! :) That day was a lot of fun and Isaac was sooo dang cute. :) see you guys soon!

The McGraths said...

That is cute! I cant believe how big he is and I can't believe CC is 19. I missed a whole year!

Heather said...

check out my blog under the post " kreativ blogger". I have a little award for you! :)