Monday, August 2, 2010

Girls Camp/4th of July

This was almost to camp, I thought it was so beautiful. This was my very first time ever to go to Girls Camp. I was not sure if I would love it but it turned out to be a great experience for me and proved to me once again what wonderful girls I get to serve with. I learn way more from them I'm sure and I am so grateful that I am priveledged enough to be their leader.
We were Pocahontas, that looks so weird and wrong the way it's spelled, this year so we had the Indian theme which turned out to be so fun for all of us. Shelly made these necklaces for all the girls in her tent and the leaders.
Sab and her friend Lauren from San Jose, working on their journals.
Michelle busy looking up a scripture for her journal.
Kelcee, Elisa, and Micalea being their usual selves.
Making necklaces, bracelets, and finishing the beading on the moccasins we made.
Burying your pal in the rocks.
Doing the skit. Shelly was really into her part. McKayla made the banner, it was the best of course.
Teamwork and strategy.
Beautiful Aspen grove that we camped in the middle of.
More teamwork games. GO Sab!
What a wonderful group of girls.
Micalea making herself sneeze on purpose by putting grass up her nose and Shelly in the background being a weirdo.
Another teamwork activity, they all had to stay on the board but move into different positions.
Our Cul-de-Sac of fire with the Tophams.
Travis made a trip to Wyoming for the good stuff.
This was what a pipe bomb did to our grass, it's about 12 inches around.
C.C. was really enjoying this years 4th with some homemade bombs, truth be known we all enjoyed them.
Then Sabrina broke her collar bone. Major OUCH! We got home from the Dr.'s office and the other kids had finished my errands and cleaned the house because we were having a baby shower at our house that night. They were so great to chip in and get things ready. She was brave though and we still left the next day to go to Wyoming for 6 days. She wasn't too fun but she perked up after a few days.
The diaper game. You melt a candy bar in the diaper and people have to guess what kind of candy bar it is. It was a blast. Serena getting in nice and close to get a good wiff!
Audrey was one of the Laurel Advisors that moved out of the ward but we all loved her so much we had a baby shower for her from the Young Women.
All the girls thought this baby was way creepy!

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