Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life In The Ferg Lane

This poor little guy struggled for life but I just could not deliver. I decided to send it on the garbage dump.
Isaac and his teacher Mrs. Rivera, 4th grade. One of the best years he has had, last day of school. Also was my last day of work at Farmers, it was a bitter sweet decision. I loved working there with Diane and enjoying the day interacting with clients, but mostly chatting it up with her. But since my nest is quickly dwindling, I chose to spend my time where I should be, home. Happy to be able to devote my time there again full hearted.
You might be a redneck if...your fence is part of the old trampoline.
So we decided it was time to do it right. We are finally a fenced in yard, escape free.
When we were cleaning Isaac's room today his poor pig had a fatality so we took his picture and sent him on. He colored him all by himself years ago, so cute.
Summer has finally arrived. Giant marshmallows and a sunny evening.
I love this fire pit. One of my favorite things in the backyard.
A family divided!
McKayla needed a blanket but was too tired to walk down the hall so she nabbed the dog, it served her purpose.

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