Wednesday, June 1, 2011

U2 Baby!

Heidi surprised me with an early Birthday present. I have always liked U2 and have listened to them enough that the kids hate it when they are on. But HOLY COW!!! This concert was seriously so awesome!!!!! A definite "must see" in your lifetime! I would be on-board for going again if I could!!!!!
This scrumptious man came cruising in and then the show began! Hold me back!
Now if he isn't a dedicated fan, I'm not sure who would qualify!
Heidi and I hamming it up!
And the fun begins! WOW, this man can create energy like no other.
I had never been to an outdoor concert ( U of U) and I fell in love with them!
The next several pictures may bore you death but I loved the show that they put on so I was snapping away!
I was sad when it was ending, I could have stayed all night long listening to them.
Thanks again Kirk and Heidi. Especially Kirk since he sat across the stadium from us for about the first 3rd of the concert so Heidi and I could sit together.
It was really a fun night. We rode the TRAX from Sandy thinking that it would be the way to go.... turns out everyone else that lives in the valley had the same idea. None the less, it was something that I had never done before and it was an adventure. Such and adventure that after the concert we decided to walk down farther into Salt Lake to catch a train without having to wait an hour or more, we walked 15 blocks and then thought they were going to shut down the TRAX before we actually made it back home. We had a good laugh about it waiting for the train in the middle of the night wondering if we were going to be sleeping in our beds that night! There is always plenty of laughter when Heidi is around!
Thanks again for such a fun night guys!!!

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