Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Fun

Mark was here for a visit before he headed north so we were able to go to dinner with he and Rob and Karri. I very sternly "talked" the boys into a BROTHER picture! They weren't into it but I told them they would appreciate it one day!
Karri and Mark
McKayla had asked if we could go to Color Me Mine so she could make Dax a cool dog bowl like Vinny's so we waited until Heather felt well enough to go one day and we took the gang and painted our hearts out.
The pre-firing products.
Then we went to bug McKayla at work and try out the food at the Awful Waffle in Provo. Very good and great service I might add.
Mal and Sab enjoying a day fishing
"Is there really any fish in this pond?"
"The water is nice and cool anyway."
Tried another pond and found this crazy hair day fool of a duck.
Isaac and Logan chatting it up while hoping for a fish!
Nash turned 1 already! He had a great birthday party and ate every marshmallow on the cake then got a trip to the kiddie pool in his birthday suit to clean up. He's such a cute little chunker!

1 comment:

Jill said...

love C.C's new car and the puppy. wish I was in Utah so I could try out Awful Waffle.