Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fall 2011

When I came back from Jackson Travis had been working on preparing the spot for our new brick mailbox. This is what I found! How sweet! Love that guy!
Took a Sunday drive through the Alpine Loop to see the colors. It was nice to spend time with Travis, until he had some road rage about the impatient person behind us. He was prepared to chase this person all the way down the back side of the mountain and be obnoxious but I had to put an end to that since I was totally getting car sick. It was a beautiful time of day to enjoy the colors.
I know I'm nuts but this was so beautiful to me!
Isaac took and Archery class with one of our neighbors in Orem. It was fun and he learned how to shoot quite well. The last day their teacher had a little competition. The teacher would buy all the kids a pop if one of them beat him. Well, Isaac beat him and everyone else in the class so they all got a pop! He was very excited that he was the hero.

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