Thursday, November 17, 2011


We keep forgetting to carve pumpkins until the last minute but they got creative this time. The Mr. Potato came to be because it was frozen so Travis got out his drill and started in in him. Isaac finished him off by adding all the accessories but the best part was running the drill... inside the house!!!! Dreams really do come true. McKayla of course did the wiener dog and the Pitbull for C.C., and Sab did her TVD=The Vampire Diaries.
Isaac in costume! Yes the blood pumped through his face all night long!
Morgan and Lily, our neighbors. I love the blood in her teeth.
Sabrina and Mallory, they looked cute even all gothic!

I on the other hand spent a lonely, sad night at home BY MYSELF passing out candy. I did try to spice it up a bit and have fun with myself and the trick or treaters by wearing Travis' butt boxers. THey have two butt cheeks in the back of the boxers, go ta few laughs and I'm sure I offended some but oh well. Everyone was gone with friends or working. Just another wake up call that it is all coming to an end! Dumb!

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