Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Travis and I rode to Jackson on the bikes for Memorial Day Weekend.  It was really important that I go and he helped make sure I was there.  
 I finally got a pic of the quilt I made my mom for Christmas.  She loves it, totally her colors.
 I made this a LONG time ago, it's pretty cute and huge.
 Some flowers we put together for dad's gravesite.
 Still can't believe I have to go here to visit him, although he visits me quite often in my dreams.  I love that.
 Rest in peace dad, love you so very much!
 My aunt and uncles gravesites.
 My grandmother's gravesite. All three of them all right together.
 We had cousins and my Aunt Karen come to bring flowers too.
 This was the sweetest man and one of the old timers of Jackson, a very close family friend.
 This sign has hung on this tree ever since I can remember and now the grandchildren sign has been added awhile ago.
 We met my aunt and two of my cousins in Driggs for lunch at Warbirds with my mom on our way home.  They have this memoriam for my dad since he worked there.
They also planted this tree for him.  

Very sweet to remember him on this day.  I actually remember him everyday but I'm glad we could go and spend the weekend in Jackson.  Miss you every day dad.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Kelli I love that quilt!! the colors are gorgeous. great job!!!!