Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trip To Jackson, Wyoming

We started off by taking on old friend to lunch for a very late birthday celebration. Della and her husband Chet were very close friends of our family, Chet took me to Kindergarten every day because my mom was sick that whole year. They were like grandparents to us and they really are the sweetest people ever. Chet passed away about a year ago and Della is getting along ok on her own. Della turned 90 in February and I wanted to make sure to spend some time with her. She is still the sweetest lady I have ever known. She even made us some of her special cards with pressed flowers and she canceled her usual lunch date with her girlfriends so we could take her out.
We started off in Jackson with shooting guns since my dad was going to be at work for the next 3 days. Lauren was steady as a rock with all the guns.
C.C. is always a great shot.
Since Sab was freshly broken she got the granny chair and just watched but soon started collecting the empty shells.
Apparently McKayla closes her eyes when she pulls the trigger.
Some of the rifles were hard for Isaac to hold up.
We headed into town and found this cool fur store with this beautiful coat.
The price tag was $10,000 but on sale for $5,000.
There are alot of these kinds of things in Jackson. The Alpine Slide, Lauren and Isaac were racing.
C.C. hauling down the mountain.
McKayla taking it easy.
Gram heading up the chairlift for the scenic ride.
Isaac had to have a picture with this guy.
My mom thought I needed a picture next to Reba since a long time ago people used to tell me I looked alot like her, back in the "big hair" days.
The dogs had a blast "treeing" the squirels. Vinny is very determined, he's actually up in the tree.
Of course we had to drive the Jeep. It's a standard thing for the kids. They have all gotten to drive it when they were quite young. Plus it's a stick shift so they get to practice with the clutch which is always amuzing for me and sometimes a little painful too.
Isaac's first time.
It happened to be the Young Eagles that weekend too. Harrison Ford has created a program that helps encourage young kids to be pilots. So all day they have a group of pilots that take kids for rides in various airplanes. Isaac got to go twice, once with Grampa Chap of course.
C.C. got a special ride that Grampa had arranged for him since he was over the age limit. He rode in this old restored Navy airplane T-28. It was an incredible ride, they rode upsidedown and did all sorts of crazy moves. Once in a lifetime ride.
We went in search of fish at the river but mostly just played with the dogs. Gram tried fishing but no luck.
Swim weiners, swim. They did make it to the other side.
Exploring on the Snake River.
Sab having a little time to herself with her walking stick.
C.C., McKayla, and I went tubing down Fish Creek. This is right before these two almost drowned going under the bridge. The water was a little high and they tied their tubes together. McKayla looks terrified and C.C. is going into panic mode.
We were hunting ground squirels, a.k.a. chizzlers or pot guts. Here is the result of my fine shooting skills. I know gross but it was really fun.
We took the tram up to the top of the mountain in Teton Village. It was beautiful up there.
It was freezing and the wind was blowing like crazy, we forgot sweatshirts.
My dads skis from when he was a Ski Patrolman a million years ago were on the side of the building at the top. Cool.
We all went swimming too.
Isaac blew out his shoes so we had to improvise.
Thanks Gram and Gramps, we had a blast.


KaraLyn said...

I have been trying to contact the Idaho Falls Young Eagles pilot for a while. Thomas can't wait to fly! He hopes to be a pilot someday. We'll see. He loved your pictures and thought it was way cool that Issac and C.C. went. I sure hope we get to see your family soon at the family reunion!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You seriously make me laugh! Reeeebbbbaaaa! My girls still call you that (when they don't call you Ferg). I love your stinkin' guts (but the squirrel guts are just gross!) Am I ever gonna see you again?