Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It Grew, It Grew!

The garden ended up growing after all. We were all surprised to see how much these sunflowers had grown after our trip. The kids go out everyday and see if there is a flower now, there are two so far. It's fun anyway and I'm excited to see how much bigger they get, hopefully the kids will keep growing too.
Everything else is growing too. I'm still not sure what the heck the broccoli and the cauliflower are suppossed to be doing but they are growing like mad. Our corn is actually getting so heavy the stalks are growing crooked. Even the volunteers are huge, not sure what they are yet but they have taken over the other half of the garden, maybe they're Honeydew. We will be having some fried green tomatoes soon, fattening but yummy! The Spaghetti squash is coming right along too and we have already chowed down some Zuchini. I'm sure the carrotts will all be demented, they always are at our house. I guess we wouldn't starve if it came to that, Sab would but we might make it.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

YAY for gardens! We had great luck with our corn, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, & peppers - yummy!

Coslett's said...

hahahaha IT GREW!!!! Yipee! wow that's great kelly! It's official you have a green thumb! The thing is we wouldn't want Sab to die so you need to grow a cow or rather raise a cow so she will be able to eat incase of famine. I think you would enjoy a cow hanging in your backyard. Hey I have them in mine and it's great!