Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Family Trip

Rob and Alison were nice enough to invite us to join them on their family trip to South Dakota. We spent alot of time in the car which turned out quite benificial and bonding.

This was our first stop in the way to our destination. I kept laughing the way Alison said it, she had the real "hick" accent to it.
As you can see, it was new and very nice so a great way to start the trip, in a comfy bed.

Isaac was showing us how strong he is but it turned out it showed how malnourished he is.
Send all wasted food to: 1197 North 1000 East, Lehi, Utah 84043, not to the starving children in Africa. Haha!
There was this old man at I-Hop that was making balloon animals for the kids. Isaac and Andrew got motorcycles and swords, Ren got a sword and a parrott to sit on his shoulder, and Sab got a fire breathing dragon. He was a funny man that obviuosly enjoyed making these for fun.
This was along the way in some weird town, someone had some creativity. Everyone wondered if both ways were functional.
Who knew that Wyoming and South Dakota had so many beautiful sites to see?
This handsome fellow was also staying in the cabin with us along with two deer heads upstairs, the boar had dirt and other gross stuff around his mouth. Yuck! The cabin was perfect for both families, just enough room for everyone perfectly in all the rooms.
Brotherly love, I mean cousins. These two really are great friends and really love hanging out with each other no matter where we are or what we are doing.
We got one pose from the kids before we spend time in LEAD at the gold mining museum.
The kids wanted to "Pan for Gold". Although Isaac is "mining" every day of his life, he also wanted to try for the real thing. Turns out that it is alot more work than it seems it would be. The dads stepped in to help the little guys and they all walked away with a small vile of 5-6 nuggets each.
The kids were exhausted after a short walk through the Presidents Park, but don't they look cute? Isaac, Sab, Danielle, and Ren.
Travis decided to have his pic with Reagan, good choice.
We made it to Mount Rushmore! It is a truely amazing landmark and it would take quite a bit of time to have hiked up and around but the kids opted out of that one.
I was messing with a few functions on the camera and got this awesome shot of the monkeys, Aiden and Ren.
Sab is still great for possing for pics. Whew! We went for a nature walk before our tour through a cave.

The cave was a "cool" place, not only because we were all dying of heat stroke after our nature walk but it was really interesting to see all the different formations and how long it took to get to that point. This part of the cave looked like frozen vomit so the boys had to make the picture as realistic as they could.
Two dudes sitting on the corner in Sturgis, South Dakota talking over their next plan of attack.
Even a week before Sturgis actually started, the streets were lined with bikes and some of the vendors were already set up. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to hit this hot spot at this time of the year. There were bikers all over the state enjoying the beauty of the mountains and all the landmarks.

This guy cruised by on our way to the car and we all thought that it was an really unique whatever, Harley-bug!
All in all, the trip was a great way for both families to have spent quailty time together. Thanks Rob, Alison, Danielle, Ren, Aiden, and Andrew for letting us come on your trip with you, we all loved it and love you guys!


Heather said...

wow! what a fun blog! I cant wait to hear more about your trip! I LOVE THE FERGS! you guys are great :)

Coslett's said...

Well good for ya'll for having such a great trip! Nothing like good family bonding time and it looks like you got that on this trip! So fun! ps you must tell me why I can't put your blog on my list! okay thats all

love ya

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Are you serious? You went "panning for gold" & you didn't come to Coloma to do it? Surely you've heard of Sutter's Mill which is practically in my back yard!!! How 'bout those 9ers?

Coslett's said...

Cute Cute Cute layout Ms Kelly! It's so you darling......haha HEY I STILL CAN"T GET YOU ON MY BLOG LIST!!!!!! UGH!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

FYI - you can't add a private blog to a blog list.

Melinda said...

Okay, two favorite pictures from the bunch: 1- McKayla and CC hunched over in the car with their earbuds in their ears, heads together...what cameraderie! 2-Isaac doing the strongman pose...need I say more? I laughed!