Monday, September 27, 2010

Labor Day Weekend To St. George

This is my new favorite picture of my man, doesn't he look so hot?
We took off on the bikes for a long weekend and miles of riding. We were in search of Ghost Towns but they are ghostly because no one knew of any and we couldn't find any. But it was fun riding around looking. We found this cool place up in the hills that used to be a mining town and so that was as close as we could get.

They had some really cool antiques sitting around for decoration.
We thought since we stopped so much for drinks and because it was a hundred degrees the whole time that we could get our own cooler going on the bikes. So we got a garbage bag and filled it with ice and put it in one of Travis' saddle bags and walllllllaaaaaaa. Instant cooler. It was awesome actually and our drinks stayed nice and cold.
Zion's was georgeous as always. This little family of mountain sheep was hanging out on top of this rock on the side of the road.
Endless beauty! Makes it really hard to keep your eye on the road.
There was some MAJOR construction so we did alot of waiting especially before going through the tunnel. I love that tunnel, it's so long.
We stopped at this Mormon Massacure site. It was weird to think about all the awful things that happened there but I was glad to learn more about it. I love that Travis has this huge vast amount of knowledge about so many different things.
I made him pose for another Kodak moment. He said "what am I this time, Charle Ingols?"
This fat guy was having a nice sunbath. Lizards are so cool.
We put a ton of miles on the bikes and had such a fun time doing it. Must do this more, make time! Make time!!!

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