Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Green Thumb This Year

This is the front walk around July 15th. They are coming along, slowly but surely.
Filling in quite nicely!
This picture was taken around September 15th. Holy Cow right?
They are growing onto the sidewalk. Gotta love the Wave Potunia's. Purchase, plant, water, enjoy. Thank you Becky Pew for introducing me. They look really beautiful.
Massive Sunflower head from Sabrina and I's garden.
Many squash plants and some pumkins plus Linkins "perimitor check" pathway.
This squash vine went rogue! It's seriously growing UP the sunflower stalk and doing quite well. Must have needed some better sun exposure.
It was all a bit finicky this year. Our water wasn't the best so that's probably what went wrong. We have a bunch of tomatoes but they are all green still. Green Peppers are doing great. No Watermelon or Canteloupe or Cauliflower or Brocoli or Onions or Carrotts. The corn really hates us but there were a few ears that we ate and they were ok. Oregano and Parsley did great and are huge. We have Zuchinni for the whole neighborhood and the yellow squash. Not sure what happened to my spaghetti squash? The pumpkins are going to be great again for Halloween, we have several and they are getting bigger every day. Nothing like my neighbors 300 pound pumkin he grew a few years ago. The garden is fun but I'm done, let's get this wrapped up.

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