Sunday, September 26, 2010

Randomness of The Fergs

I was getting my buzz going before they fixed my filling that they screwed up last time. Isaac said I looked funny so I got a quick shot to confirm, yes I did look funny.
Long story. We had bought some huge pieces of styrofoam so Isaac could throw his knives and stuff into it without destroying our walls. We were at Walgreens a few weeks ago and he thought this head was the best deal so he bought it. So he combined all of his resources and hung it from the styrofoam and continued to work on his mad skills with the blow gun. I found him just the other day with the screen off in his room and he was outside shooting through the window and nailing this hideous guy right smack in the face. He is a really good shot, it's really quite funny. We are in training for the next Hunger Games. :)
We took the Young Women for a Mutual Activity on a tour through the Homeless Shelter in Salt Lake. This was one of the 25 quilts along with 100 bottles of shampoo that we had collected to take with us. We thought we were bringing this great donation of 25 blankets until we found out they go through 1200 a year!!!!! Wow, we didn't even scratch the surface of their needs. To me it was really an eye opening experience and I could tell the girls were all feeling alot of things also.
Isaac apparently doesn't know how to spell McKayla's name.
I saw this one day and was having a good old laugh reading it as " For all your CRAP and Oxygen needs". It was even funnier when my friend Megan said "Ya I see that all the time, C-Pap! We sell those at my dad's work." Oh right, C-Pap not CRAP! Then the joke was on me! They are kind of the same thought when you get you old, you may need help with both. :)

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