Sunday, May 29, 2011

4th Grade "Willard Dance"

Isaac's teacher's husband is in the military in Iraq and only is home for one month of the year. So every year at school she dedicates a very sweet activity to her husband. For weeks they practice dancing and manners and they get all dressed up for a dance. They have a date and use all the skills they learned in being ladies and gentlemen.
This was his date. He let her go first in getting their food and drinks, then pulled her chair out for her and scooted it back in, and got up and did that every time she needed to get up, he danced with whoever asked him, and was a complete gentleman. He told me later that it was hard being a gentleman and taking care of a girl like that, it was exhausting! It was so funny the way he explained it. He has a great head start!
Trying to pretend like he wasn't into it. He had asked for weeks about getting a sweet outfit for it and wondering who he should ask to be his date.
This is our neighbor Katie and him dancing, he is putting on a show for the camera. I told him that she asked him to dance a lot because she was comfortable with him as a friend not because she had him picked out for a husband.
It was very cute to see the whole class be so sweet and kind to one another, especially at their age of thinking the opposite sex has kooties still!

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