Monday, May 30, 2011

What The ........?

It seems like just not too long ago I was realizing that I HAD to send her to Kindergarden and now....
My absolutely beautiful and brilliant little girl is almost 18 and graduating!!!!!
She graduated from Automotive Technology at MATC! She was the only girl in her class this year, last year there were 2. She learned a ton and fixed plenty on her truck. It's pretty cool to say, "McKayla, can you put new brakes on the Suburban?" And she's all over it! Cool, the girls got skills. I was teasing her about her "hope chest" being a "toolbox" and not dishes and junk like that. Skills are skills!
She is also graduating from Lehi High School, although she really hasn't been there for two years. She is refusing to participate in the ceremony and all that but that's ok, we hate those 4 hours long things anyway. (Secretly grateful :) jk ) She allowed us to come to the MATC one, after some persuasion!

Congrats McKayla, we are SO very proud of you and your accomplishments and the wonderful person that you have grown into! Can't wait to see what you do with your life next!

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