Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Since we haven't done anything for our anniversary for a few years we were both ready for some R. & R. especially after the last month we have both had! I asked Travis if he wanted to go to Park City or St. George! His answer was " Is your bike registered?" Not too hard to choose, hot or cold? Off we went for the weekend. We met up with our old buddy Troy and his fiance Kristi in Mesquite. Troy was in our wedding and grew up with Travis! Of course they picked up right where they left off ten years ago!
We stayed in St. George but rode to Mesquite then on to Lake Mead, we wanted to see the new bridge that wasn't quite finished last time we were there. Nice and warm ride, 100'. The sun really was so nice!
This really is a beautiful lake.
The view from below. Of course we had to ride across it, major windy but very cool!
Then onto Vegas for a trip through the M&M store. We had never been in there and since they ARE my favorite candy it was time we cruised the 5 story store! Good thing we were on the bikes otherwise it would have been a tad bit more of an expensive stop!
Then we went down the street a bit more and hit the Coke store. Again first time and 5 stories of cool Coke products. I loved these glasses. The lady there showed us this new machine that will add any flavor to any Coke product, very cool. We thought they looked like washers and dryers.
The crazies on the street are always amusing, these guys had a fart machine and were having a blast with it.
This guy had a dog that matched him, weird. Seems like an expensive gig to me.
It's fun to be back in the city again!
It was a great trip except the part where we got separated right as it was getting dark in Vegas on our way back to Mesquite/St. George. Travis thought he was never going to see me again! It was pretty freaky considering I never ride without him. But we found each other after about 30 minutes and all was well. Great to spend time together and cut loose a bit.

We rode home in a wind storm on Sunday, Mother's Day, and then it turned to pouring rain. I was really wishing I had made room for my chaps about then. I knew I was toast when my boots started filling up with water. When we got home the girls had made dinner for us and the kids had some very sweet things for me for Mother's Day! It was such a nice surprise! It only took us all night to warm up and stop shivering.

Love those kinds of get-aways!

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