Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Visits From San Jose Friends

Becky Messman Crapo, love this woman!
Britt and Laurel were at EFY for the week and we got to pick them up and enjoy them for the day. Sabrina absolutely loved seeing them! Laurel had to head home that night but Britt got to stay until Monday.
These two got zero sleep but picked right up where they left off years ago.
I got to see Jodi too, always a fun time. Miss these guys!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Lucky!!! wow, blast from the past. It's so funny, b/c I was just thinking of you today. was looking through pictures from my baby shower you threw. as we are packing up and saying goodbye to all our Japan friends, I keep thinking about all my San Jose friends. it's so hard to say goodbye, but you never forget them. and how they have touched your life. so thank you!!!