Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crazy Days Of Our Lives

Nap time! Dax made himself comfortable while Vinny was sleeping on McKayla's sweatshirt while she was at school.
I noticed one Sunday how McKayla, Sabrina, and Heather all had on the same kind of socks but none of theirs matched.
Mark and Summer and the kids came for a visit and we went to the Aguarium. The boys all liked the frogs, especially Mark.
Isaac had the idea to freeze a rubber glove full of water. He and Sab both froze one and then ate them like a popcicle.
Isaac bought two guppies for like a quarter a long time ago. Then all of a sudden one day they had a teeny, tiny baby. Then a few months ago they kept having more babies, SEVERAL batches. There were at least 75 baby guppies in this tiny tank. It was a really cool experience to see them first born to getting bigger. Nature has taken it's course. The parents are both goners and so are most of their children. We are down to maybe 20. Whew, that was alot of mouths to feed.
The trial run with the life jackets for the dogs in the tub. Vinny is so chubby he was just doing barrel rolls. He will need some practice and some serious supervision in the lake. Plus he's dieting.
FeeBee was having a time-out!
C.C. made a potato cannon and we all enjoyed the fun. This was quite cool shooting it at the school and seeing how far it would launch the spud. Not actually shooting AT the school but in the field.
Isaac and Evan found this action figure in the parking lot at the Legacy Center and they thought the best place for it would be under the tire of this car. When we were finished swimming the poor guy was definately flat, as they had planned.
This dead spot in the grass is where we find Dax sleeping all the time on sunny days.
This is Andy, Nick and Heather were going to adopt him but it didn't work out. He came over to hang with us and Dax and Vinny had a blast with him. They all 3 slept like logs that night.
Isaac learned some self defense moves at school and they had a chance to show the parents what they learned. It was hilarious because they actually got to kick and hit this poor man. This Sgt. got beat up by at least 50 3rd graders in one afternoon.

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