Friday, May 14, 2010

Tulip Festival

None of us had ever been to the Festival. My mom was in town and after a week of poopy weather it finally cleared up for a nice trip to check it out.
Sabrina was taking a "personal day" from school and she was behind the camera again.
Madre' and I. We really were having a nice time, wow my hair looks lovely.
Sab had to get in a picture too.
This was the coolest tree, it was crurvy like this all over. Very unusual.
Getting a sweet shot.
This was a cool one, she's so creative.
There were millions of these in all different sizes.
Too cool for school, literally.
Travis, C.C. and McKayla all met us out there for a nice lunch. It is really a beautiful place and we only saw maybe 1/4 of the whole garden.

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