Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring Break

The Snack Shop!
I had to get a pic of Travis' drawer and the fridge in his office. It makes me laugh, especially the Pepcid Complete.
We went to see the baby goats over Spring Break. There is this total rebel goat that is always head butting everyone. He was chasing the kids around and he even got up on the tramp.
We found a walking path that we went to several times over the break.
Good for bike riding.
Rock throwing.
Picture taking.
Isaac thought this nice cow patty looked like a cinnamon roll.
Cool background.
McKenzie and Reggie came to play too. Reg and Dax are BFF's. It's so funny how Reggie just bats him around playing but he's so gentle.
Nap time after a day of beating up Dax.
The dogs all joined me for reading and a sunbath on the back porch.
I made curtains and table runners, I love how they turned out.
I let Sab take pictures on one of our walks and she is quite the photographer.
These were cool.
We smelled this guy the few days before but now we can see that he's in Skunk heaven. He still smelled.
The dogs all loved it here. Endless scents to find and the road never ended.
Sab being creative again. I love it.
The kids will all say that it was boring as heck but we did enjoy the break from school. We watched some good movies and took alot of walks with the mutts.

1 comment:

The McGraths said...

you always have the best snacks at your house!