Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Memories Of Dad!

This has always been an exciting sign since that meant that we were getting close to home!
This sign has been around forever at the General Store close to my parents home in Wilson.
The brand from the ranch, spear C.
Very true. This has been hanging up in my dad's shop forever.
This was the poem that I voted for the inside of the program but it wasn't very church appropriate so we had to pass. Also a poster that has been around since I could read it!
A snowmobiler at heart!
I love this saddle and saddle bags. We spent many hours riding horses together so this is very special to me with many memories!
This is the floor in the shop which is very cool and seems like it has been this way since I can remember.
Marine pride!
This went camping with us every time! It made some very tasty meals for us.
I saw my dad wear these all summer, he would change the pipe in the fields with them.
I don't remember too many times that he left the house without the thermos and the cowboy hat stayed like this always for hunting season.
This has been in his room for such a long time. It's an outhouse! Just his humor!
This also has been around since my childhood, don't we all feel like this most days?
These cupboards used to be in our playroom and when we took them out we all got to paint them ourselves. Aren't they lovely? Especially the detailing.
This hung at his Saw Shop that he had for years.
His baseball mitts he had during his lifetime.
Not sure how he did this but very cool!
I loved this treasure! His first mitt!
I used to call him this for some reason.
He built this for our dogs and hand painted it, he wasn't the best at spelling but he sure tried.
Someone had this made for him after his first Solo Flight in 1977.
These are some love notes that my kids and I left him one time that we were there visiting quite a long time ago. I noticed that they were still there on the back of his bedroom door! How sweet!

Lots of sweet moments to remember about my dad.


jeff and jen said...

I'm glad you have so many good memories of your dad, and that you remember all those little things about him.

jeff and jen said...

I'm glad you have so many good memories with your dad, and that you remember so many of the little things about him that made him yours. Thanks for sharing.