Wednesday, July 16, 2008

American Idol Concert!

So Alison sends me a text saying that she has three spare tickets if anyone wants to go. WHAT!
Then I had to see which set of girls wanted to go. McKayla said that Sab and her friend would appreciate it more, how cool of McKayla. What a giver. So Sab, Lauren and I went and it was really fun. Many of them were way better than they were that season. Carly sung an Evanesence song, I loved that, and some Heart. She had some awesome black boots too that went up to her thigh, way cool! Or course "Archi" was there and the screaming for him was unreal. So loud that you could hardly hear his songs. He sounded awesome and everyone loved him! I'm sure he got a few marriage proposals that night, and the night before.
And of course "The American Idol" himself. I really like David Cooks music but he's such a head hanger, it's kind of annoying. It was exciting to see them all and to have such great seats.
Thanks a million Alison and Rob for so kindly giving up his spot so Sab and Laurens dreams could come true. They were so excited and had such an awesome time.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

American Idol is nothing compared to Sab - she looks beautiful!!!

Summer Mortensen said...

You lucky little snots!! That would have been a blast, i'm glad that the kids got a chance to go. It was great seeing you guys again, how funny that we just had to be in Rexburg the same day right??

Melinda said...

How fun! I wish Sab had turned the camera and taken a picture of you...I'll bet your face looked just like hers...??!! ARCHIE!! COOK!!