Monday, July 7, 2008


She's hooked! Sab never really gets into reading a book but this one was different. She spent 3 days plugging away at it. She would stop to tell me where she was or to say how retarded Bella was or something funny, but she finished it and is on to the next one. She wants to finish all 3 books by the time the forth one comes out. We are still upset about what a dog Edward is in the movie, it's just wrong to portrat him as such a hunk of burning love in the book and to be such a wuss in the movie.


Heather said...

Sab is SOO cute. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your kids. EACH of them. NICK, CC, McKayla, Sab and Isaac. Seriously. I could squeeze them all... especially nick. :) Love ya!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Okay...I turn my back & Scab is reading phatty novels??? I believe in miracles! She's a regular "brainiac!" Before we know it...she's gonna like, love learning or something?