Monday, July 7, 2008

Finally Purchased!

Well, I finally bit the bullet and went for it. Aidan actually ordered it from Travis' Amazon account so technically I didn't, if it was to come up. Haha! Thanks Aidan! I am taking the kids to Jackson this week and I really wanted to have it to take and play with so I went ahead and ordered it. I told Travis how grateful I was that he took the time to send me an awesome birthday gift, the Cricket, and the sweet the card was and him planning ahead, I was really thankful that he did that for me. His reply was "I hope you enjoy your Cricket and your new camera!" I had to laugh my head off cuz it was so unexpected and way funny how he never said anything about it all except that. We had a good laugh! Stay tuned for awesome pics.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

SWEET! Travis, you're the Bombdotcom!

Melinda said...

Hooray! Love it...and the Jackson pics that you posted in your later posts look really good. I have camera envy.