Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had to get a shot this, with my camera. It is on the other side of a screen for the drive in that is actually called "The Spud".
We hit Bear World on the way home! This big chubby dude was so cute all snuggled up to the tree after his feast, he probably had an itch and I just got him at a good moment.
On the way out the gate the bears were roaming and they say DO NOT STOP YOUR CAR! Well, for good reason, these people did stop the car and they were freaked out and their car got scrathed. Needless to say I kept on going when they were checking out my car.
I got a funny message from Summer on the way through Rexburg saying that we just passed them so we went back and hung out for awhile. Tegan was way funny playing with Isaac and screaming at the top of his lungs, funny for us but probably not when they all got in the car. JK Summer and Mark gave us the great news that their family will be expanding by one. Yeah!!!! Their family is already so cute, how fun to add another cute little Mortensen to the croud.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

We wondered about Bear World when we passed it. It looks pretty fun. Maybe next time we're passing through we'll have to stop (but not a complete stop, cause we don't want any scratches!!!)