Tuesday, May 18, 2010

21 Years

I found this saying and put it up on our Anniversary, it was fitting.
We started out 21 years ago like this. Young and a full life ahead of us together.
Travis surprised me with these flowers and a box of M&M's, my favorites. I surprised him with an hour and a half massage at Massage Envy, sorry no pictures.
Aren't they georgous??????
Now we are to this. Seasoned and old but still together after 21 years.
I am more than grateful for all that Travis is in my life and our childrens. He has really been more than I could have ever wanted. Here's to another 21 years. Love you!


KaraLyn said...

Well, your hair is definitely smaller! :) Great pictures. Congratulations!

The Holyoaks said...

Congrats! And Travis was SUCH a hunk of burning love.

The McGraths said...

You guys are awesome! Your wedding pictures are still my favorites out of every wedding picture I've seen! Love you guys!

Jill said...

Happy anniversary! I LOVE your wedding picture!! and the current pic of you guys too. I've really enjoyed all your recent posts. and Jake loves to scroll down your blog and look at all your animals.

acos said...

KELLY I loooove your wedding pictures and travis's hairdo. hahaha. y'all are cute. love ya!

The Horners said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm pretty sure we share the same Anni. I love Travis' glasses! And you two look GREAT!!! Congrats!

Adam and Jessica said...

Hi Kelly! I love it! You guys are so cute! Tell Travis Adam misses him and to come visit soon! We will be out in August we will have to come and see you guys! Love you guys!