Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I've Been Tagged! Thanks Alot Alison!

Favorite person (outside family): Debbie Ray-She is the funniest person without even trying and is a hoot to be around. Plus her laugh is the very best, she is just so much fun.

Favorite food: Bucca de Beppo’s 1894 salad.

Quirks: I am always counting things, it’s a weird habit, can’t even explain how it’s done but obviously I have passed it down to McKayla because she does it too.

How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less?

Any regrets in life: Too many to list but the one I regret the most is not getting a college education right after High School. I am still stewing over that whether I should do it now or not but it just isn’t going to happen, I would like to be a smarter and more intelligent person.

Favorite Charity/Cause: Anything that has to do with children and helping them.

Favorite Blog recently? I love The McGrath’s; it is always very entertaining and fun.

Something you can't get enough of: Diet Coke and time in a day, can never get everything done I want to.

Worst job you’ve ever had: I worked at a law firm in High School and all the lawyers were creepy and jerks. I was just the grunt but still it was not a great place to be.

What job would you pay NOT to have? A person who cleans out porta-potties. We saw some pretty grotty ones this last weekend that were almost topped off and it was more than I could stand to use it for 1 minute, I could never be the one to clean it out! Yuck!

If you could be a fly on the wall, where? With teenagers anywhere!

Guilty Pleasure: Brownies, anytime, any day, all day!

Got any confessions? I love Coffee Ice Cream

If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? At the Harley store on clothes and some Ape Hangers.

Favorite thing about your house? It is so quiet and peaceful and roomy. We never feel like we are on top of each other like we did in California.

Least favorite thing about your house? That I don’t have an endless amount of money to keep putting beautiful things on the walls.

One thing you are bad at? Gardening, obviously from the pic before, but I really have to force myself to go out and work in it.

One thing you’re good at? Organizing and finishing things I have started, I’m a freak about it and it gets me in trouble a lot because I can’t just walk away.

If you could change something about your circumstances, what? I would have my husband working here more and away less.

Who would you like to meet someday? Meg Ryan and tell her how poorly she has aged! JK Nicholas Cage has always been one of my favs., he's not a babe or anything just seems like a genuine cool person. I love The Rock, so I could definately stand to meet him and his giant bicepts.

What makes you feel sexy? Not much! Maybe pretty earrings or when my nails are done just perfectly.

Who is your real life hero? Michelle, she seems to be so full of good things and always out to help someone else. She has taught me the most in my life and about the really important things.

When are you most relaxed? Scrapbooking without interruptions

What stresses you out? When a plan changes or when I watch my kids do something stupid that could change their life for the worse.

What can you not live without? Travis, my kids, Diet Coke, M&M’s, and Cold Stone

Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Negative!

So I guess Cyndi, Melinda, and Jenny, tag you're it! Sorry but I do love you!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You suck, Kelly! I'm not posting this one...I'll email it to you instead!

Heather said...

I havent seen you guys in 2 days and im going through withdrawls. :)