Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jackson, Wyoming

The girls both had friends come to visit so I decided to take them all to Jackson for some entertainment. Everyone in Utah had been telling me that going the back way was WAY shorter. So we headed off and it only took like 6 hours. WHAT! We stopped on the way and I had to catch this image. Way hokey, but totally Wyoming.
My dad took Isaac for a tractor ride but I think it ended up the other way around.
They made it back alive and without crashing. We saw this Polar Bear in a store while we were looking for a souvenier for Torrey's mom.
This bear has been here in this store since I was a little girl.
We went swimming at the pool.
My dad works for the airport in Driggs so we got the inside scoop on a cool event. The Young Eagles is an organization that encourages kids to learn to fly at an early age, Harrison Ford is the Chairman. They spend the day taking kids for rides and teaching them about flying. Harrison Ford wasn't there this year but Grandpa was able to take Isaac up alone in his airplane.
They had a blast.
We had to go to Idaho for the airplanes so we had to take advantage of this Kodak moment.
This is in the town square on all 4 corners of the park.

Grandpa took us all shooting, it is always a "must" when we are there. Isaac shot a bigger gun that had a pretty good kick to it and after he shot it he said, "That's going to leave a mark!"
He loves shooting and seeing where he hit the target or the can.

This Jeep is used for many things at their house, we went shooting in it and cruising

around the property and all the kids have learned how to drive in it.
We spent some time down at the Snake River, skipping rocks,
building bridges, and getting each other wet.

Sab and Lauren "walking the plank" .

Grandma got Isaac a new bike for his birthday! He was a fan! We floated the "crick". (creek) We all started out and then we all wiped out and so the
3 younger guys opted to get out.

We went exploring around the 200 acre property and we made a stop at a tree that my brother and I found some old Indian pots under. The kids were excited to see if they could find anything but no luck. I think the kids all had fun just relaxing and messing around my parents' house.


Heather said...

that looks so fun! I wish CC, NIck and I could have been there!

Melinda said...

How much fun is going to Jackson????! I wanna go! That looks like so much fun, especially floating the "crick".