Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Calling

I guess I am suppossed to be in Young Women! I am way happy but still bewildered. It will be a whole new experience with so many girls and all the leaders. I am the Mia Maid Advisor, whatever that means, I'm sure it will be fun but painful when it's my turn for the lesson.
I still love this picture, it's still on the wall in the building in San Jose.


Coslett's said...

Oh my gosh Kelly! You will love it! Those girls are so lucky to have you. The Youth need people like you that is for sure. You will do just fine with your lessons! Congratulations with your new call. Isn't Sab in the YW program right now? That will be fun for her to have you in there! Hey be grateful you got a call to YW and not RS, but arent you going to miss being the greeter at the door? ha ps We are so excited for that adorable boy to come to my our house! sure love ya!

Heather said...

OHHH you are gonna LOVE that!! I am soo excited for you! The girls are just gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE you! What a fun calling. I have this picture in my scriptures! I love it. :)

Melinda said...

In case you haven't noticed, you are AMAZING with the YW. I'm excited for your YW, they are so lucky.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

The WORLD NEEDS YW leaders like you! You will do great & don't be afraid to just look those lessons straight in the eye & say, "Dude, the Ferg is here!" Seriously, you have a gift with the youth - trust the Lord & He will help you through anything...even YW lessons!