Saturday, June 28, 2008

Could He Be Any Happier?

Tegan had us all laughing at him cuz he was just so dang happy and so cute. Summer, Mark, and Tegan all come down for Nick's Homecoming talk and got to stay a few extra days. As you can see Tegan seems to be quite the happy little man. It was so fun to have him around and get to know him a little better. His parents are very happy themselves and seem to really love being parents. They are such a cute family, I am so happy for them.

I wished I had a pic of Tegan when we got to Cabella's. I'm not sure who was happier to be there Mark or Tegan. The girls had drug the boys all over the valley looking at home decor stores and so the guys were due. Tegan was running all over the place just getting to the door and he was doing his happy dance. It was SOOOO cute. We had a hard time getting Isaac and Tegan off the 4-wheelers at the front door but then the fun began with the huge fish tank and all the ugly fish swimming around. It was definately a field trip but really fun to watch Tegan and see what he and Mark got all giddy about. Summer is such a great wife, she even got all excited about plenty of things there too. I love their family, they are really so great together. I'm glad we live closer now so we can see them more often and enjoy their family.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Meg Ryan Gone Ugly

Remember how cute she was in this top pic? Well, it's long gone. I watched this movie last night with her and Antonio Banderos and it was aweful. Not only was their acting bad but she looked HORRIBLE! Like something has happened to her beautiful face. Look in the pic on the left and you'll see. Her eyes are all puffy and her smile is SOOOOO fake. Around her mouth is so weird. So I am recommending NOT watching "My Moms New Boyfriend". She is really stupid in it, maybe it's the part but it really sucks. She starts out as 230 pounds and then gets all skinny and is dating many guys at once, one is like 17. She's just a little too weird in this movie, bad acting, and the actresses beautiful features gone WAY bad.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Way Pathetic!

So this is my Garden, if you can call it that. My neighbor and I went to the store and went to other neighbors to get all the tips and tricks. we decided the put the stuff in my garden that would spread out because I have so much space. After a long day of planting just after Mother's Day, things started growing quite well. The sunflowers are doing the best but most of the stuff was just for fun anyway, like the three rows of corn and the pumpkins. The weekend before Father's Day, Travis and I spent several hours out there weeding and using the rake thing to make it all look nice and this is what I got three weeks later. More weeds than food! If you look close, my three rows of corn are there but there are only 14 stocks of corn way spread out in all 3 of the rows. I planted 8 mounds of pumpkin seeds and only three are growing. The carrots are sparse and so are the onions. The broccoli is looking good and so is the zucchini and the spaghetti squash, but there are a TON of weeds that WANT to be there. I just hope that this summer isn't the summer that we need to live off our garden, we would all be good canadates for Survivor if that's the case. Maybe it will look like a more productive garden once the weeds are gone. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Great Day!

In addition to my Cricket, Travis sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a heartfelt card that made me cry and Heather and her family gave me cookie bouquet, It was so cute and Heather may have landed a job there too. Thank you so much!
Sab made Heather and I heart shaped cakes, they were so good. Thanks Sab, you're the bomb!
Nick and Heather pulled a fast one on me and saran wrapped my car and wrote cute notes on ALL of my windows. It was really fun to walk around the corner and see my car totally covered. I drove home with it still in tact on my car so I could take some good pictures. They left a huge bag of M&M's on my windshield too, they were the first to be rescued from the sun. On the way home we got so many very weird looks, it was funny all the rubbernecking, until the cop was on the other side of the stop sign, then I started sweating bullets cuz I didn't even have my purse with me. He wasn't interested, whew!
So my birthday was full of friends and family and thoughtful things, I love that and it is such a great way to spend the day. I appreciate everyone who sent notes and called and brought me beautiful treadures and yummy treats. Good thing I lost that 5 pounds last week!

Happy Birthday To Me

I have been drooling over this for over a year now and haven't been able to bring myself to just buy it. So my sweet husband decided it was time to surprise me and send it in this huge box that I found on my porch last night! I was so excited to know that he would do that for me. He knows what I love and the fact that he supports me with it is even better. You're the best, he's always doing really nice and very thoughtful things like this for me.

Last night Alison took me to Olive Garden then to the movie to see What Happens In Vegas, I love that movie. It is so funny and Ashton is such a babe. I'm so lucky I have great sister in laws, especially when they live so close and you get to see them often. Thanks so much for making my birthday so nice.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tell All Tuesday

I figured I would give Alison something to do today to help pass the time.
  1. I love plain M&M's and always have. They are always my pick of candy at the store, unless they have Bottle Caps, not much alike are they
  2. I always eat them two by two and they have to be the same color. Yes, this confirms that I have some OCD issues. Proud of it!
  3. Yes, there have been some reports that they are made from something about a DUNG BEETLE. So next time you are eating some, don't forget to smell them. They really do stink but if you can get past that you'll be on your way to a tasty treat.
  4. I always have a 5lb bag in my closet to do a drive by several times a day for a handful at a time.
  5. I almost always have a pile on my desk when I am scrapbooking inbetween creative thoughts I down them. They are what makes me so dang creative! Haha
  6. Last but not least, my husband finally noticed that I ate them two by two, same color and he was speechless. He said if he would have know that about me, he wouldn't have married me. That and I can't have any of my food touch on my plate and I have to eat one thing at a time until it is gone. That freaked him out too. He's decided to keep me for another year or two and just turn the other cheek. Whew!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Car Show

I would love to have a car like this one, it is so beautiful!
Reminds me of the ZZ Top concert I went to!
After I drug the kids around to Strawberry Days and then
to this car show Isaac came home and this is how I found him
in his room. Passed out cold for 3 hours. I guess the day was
huge for him and he was just too tired for anything else.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Strawberry Days

Thought we needed to check out the festivities for
Strawberry Days and it was as I thought.
Low lifes running the gross rides and booths.
I told them we were just here for the food. After snow cones
funnel cake, strawberries and cream and a pretzel,
we headed for a few rides before heading to the car for some
cooling off, it was only 95 degrees that day

Lame roller coaster but it went around like 90 times.

Isaac was hoping to be able to get his drivers licence after

this one, he was a little disappointed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I really love watching Isaac play baseball. He is just so cute and it is so much fun for him right now. Of course he is looking forward to when they keep score and have tournaments but for right now he is such a joy to watch. He said today after his game that he was the very best
player on his team and that he can catch anything from anyone on his team when they practice. I had to remind him to keep that just between the two of us and not share that with the rest of the team because being a really great teammate and player means that you are supportive and complimentary of everyone else except yourself. But he really is the best player on his team, just kidding. He did get some great hits today, he batted first and hit the first pitch past short stop and out into left field. You should have seen his face when he made it to first base, stopped to see if I saw, and then headed for second. SO DANG CUTE! This is the stuff that us moms live for! Seeing our kids being so happy.

Friday, June 20, 2008

To Buy ... Or Not To Buy

I am torn wether or not to buy this cool camera that I see all over the place. It is small, easy to use, and takes great pictures. Travis is not a fan of women buying electronics so I am not sure if I dare attempt it without him. I'm really not as big of a wimp as that sounded, it's more that we already have such a very nice camera but it is really huge and not too fun to throw in your purse for just a daily thing. What's the vote?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nick gave a wonderful, spiritual, and very touching homecoming talk on Father's Day so it was a triple great day! Father's Day, RM talk, and Rob's birthday. We had a ton of support and people came from all over. It was a great day, actually several days. We all got to see new and old friends.

These three were in the MTC together so this is a repeat of some pics about 2 years ago. Andrew is Nicks best friend Jasons friend from Orem (does that make sense?) and he and Nick got the same Mish call, were set apart the same night,went into the MTC the same day, and were comps in the MTC. Heather was called to the same Mish as the guys and so they had all of their training together in the MTC and she has been a huge support to Nick for the last two years, she's from Texas. Love Ya'll

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday To You!

Isaac wanted to do something special for McKayla, he said he was going to add everyone to this shirt as their birthdays came.

McKayla turned 15 a few days ago. The time sure flies. Seems like just yesterday she was burning around with her little red curly hair and now I have to teach her how to drive.

She had a fun day, a few of her friends came over to bring her a cake and a gift and she got the gift she had been really wanting, a new cell phone. We gutter gifted her old phone to Nick who very gratefully accepted. His life is slowly falling into place after the Mish.

These cracked me up! They certainly showed how much they were used.
Look at what's left of the shoe laces!

You should see the holes on the bottom, huge chunks.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mama I'm Comin' Home!

Nick made it home safe and sound on friday! It was so awesome to see him and know that he was safe! It was a long trip home but he was as happy as I have ever seen him. We had to be patient because of all the other missionaries arriving home that day also. But finally he showed up at the top of the escalator where C.C. and Josh were the first one's to get a hug and welcome him home. Grandma Chapman and The Harmon's were there to welcome him home with us. We took him home, gave him a shower and introduced him to his new home and life in Utah. I think he spent about a half and hour in the shower taking off the top layer of filth. He was used to a cold trickle for the shower in their apartments. He wanted to go to Arby's for lunch! He just needed some good old fashioned American Fast Food! He finished his parasite pills that morning so he figured that anything goes now. He was so excited to see the washer and dryer, the gargage disposal, and feel how soft the carpet was, he hadn't seen any of these for two years. He was shocked to see that there were no bars on the windows.

He really loved his mission and it has been a great weekend hearing all about it and learning about all the experiences that he had there. The robbery stories are funny now but not so funny when it was happening. The stories about all the huge gross bugs, the converts gifts, the food, the kids, the culture, and the baptisms are so fun to hear about! What a great two years and he said that the mission was preparing him for the next things to come in his life! We are so proud of Nick and all that he experienced on his mission.