Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tell All Tuesday

I figured I would give Alison something to do today to help pass the time.
  1. I love plain M&M's and always have. They are always my pick of candy at the store, unless they have Bottle Caps, not much alike are they
  2. I always eat them two by two and they have to be the same color. Yes, this confirms that I have some OCD issues. Proud of it!
  3. Yes, there have been some reports that they are made from something about a DUNG BEETLE. So next time you are eating some, don't forget to smell them. They really do stink but if you can get past that you'll be on your way to a tasty treat.
  4. I always have a 5lb bag in my closet to do a drive by several times a day for a handful at a time.
  5. I almost always have a pile on my desk when I am scrapbooking inbetween creative thoughts I down them. They are what makes me so dang creative! Haha
  6. Last but not least, my husband finally noticed that I ate them two by two, same color and he was speechless. He said if he would have know that about me, he wouldn't have married me. That and I can't have any of my food touch on my plate and I have to eat one thing at a time until it is gone. That freaked him out too. He's decided to keep me for another year or two and just turn the other cheek. Whew!


Melinda said...

Kelly!! I didn't know that about you either...two at a time, same color, you crazy girl. I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you and see what else you've managed to hide from us all! M&M's ARE good though, and you got me hooked on Bottle Caps, though that's a better addiction because they're hard to find, and thus I don't eat them a lot.
P.S. How do you manage to be so skinny eating all those M&M's????

Alison said...

I was wondering the same thing. How on earth do you manage to stay so thin grabbing several M&M handfuls throughout the day?? No fair!

The two at a time, same color thing totally cracked me up! One of these days, I'm gonna force feed you different colors at the same time! mwahahaha