Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday To You!

Isaac wanted to do something special for McKayla, he said he was going to add everyone to this shirt as their birthdays came.

McKayla turned 15 a few days ago. The time sure flies. Seems like just yesterday she was burning around with her little red curly hair and now I have to teach her how to drive.

She had a fun day, a few of her friends came over to bring her a cake and a gift and she got the gift she had been really wanting, a new cell phone. We gutter gifted her old phone to Nick who very gratefully accepted. His life is slowly falling into place after the Mish.


Alison said...

That is so sweet of Isaac. Good luck on the driving thing...let me know when she's all trained, and we'll come back around. ;)

Melinda said...

Ahh, that's so cute! Happy Birthday McKayla, love you tons!