Saturday, June 28, 2008

Could He Be Any Happier?

Tegan had us all laughing at him cuz he was just so dang happy and so cute. Summer, Mark, and Tegan all come down for Nick's Homecoming talk and got to stay a few extra days. As you can see Tegan seems to be quite the happy little man. It was so fun to have him around and get to know him a little better. His parents are very happy themselves and seem to really love being parents. They are such a cute family, I am so happy for them.

I wished I had a pic of Tegan when we got to Cabella's. I'm not sure who was happier to be there Mark or Tegan. The girls had drug the boys all over the valley looking at home decor stores and so the guys were due. Tegan was running all over the place just getting to the door and he was doing his happy dance. It was SOOOO cute. We had a hard time getting Isaac and Tegan off the 4-wheelers at the front door but then the fun began with the huge fish tank and all the ugly fish swimming around. It was definately a field trip but really fun to watch Tegan and see what he and Mark got all giddy about. Summer is such a great wife, she even got all excited about plenty of things there too. I love their family, they are really so great together. I'm glad we live closer now so we can see them more often and enjoy their family.

1 comment:

Alison said...

He is such a cute little boy!