Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nick gave a wonderful, spiritual, and very touching homecoming talk on Father's Day so it was a triple great day! Father's Day, RM talk, and Rob's birthday. We had a ton of support and people came from all over. It was a great day, actually several days. We all got to see new and old friends.

These three were in the MTC together so this is a repeat of some pics about 2 years ago. Andrew is Nicks best friend Jasons friend from Orem (does that make sense?) and he and Nick got the same Mish call, were set apart the same night,went into the MTC the same day, and were comps in the MTC. Heather was called to the same Mish as the guys and so they had all of their training together in the MTC and she has been a huge support to Nick for the last two years, she's from Texas. Love Ya'll


Alison said...

How cute are these three?!?

Nick's talk WAS great. He had me crying a couple of times.

Heather is a doll -- let's do what we can to keep her around. Nick told me that he would be married by June 2009.

Melinda said...

What a great group, and how fun to be reunited (and it feels so good???) Can't wait to see what's in store for Nick in the next year or two!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Nick, Andrew, AND Jason were in the same MISH? How does that happen...really?

Heather said...

awwwwwww. That's all I have to say about that. :)